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FAQs About Dental Botox

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Botulinum toxin type A use topped 4.4 million procedures in 2020, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). But these weren't all wrinkle reduction treatments. Take a look at the ways dentists use this cosmetic injectable and how it can change your mouth.

What Do You Need To Know About Botox?

Also known as botulinum toxin type A or botulinum therapy, this popular injectable relaxes the muscles under the skin. This stops contractions and can smooth the face. The result is wrinkle reduction or the elimination of fine lines. Even though botulinum therapy is a common treatment for the visible signs of aging, it also has dental uses.

What Is Dental Botulinum Therapy?

The ability to stop muscle contractions makes botulinum therapy a way to treat temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), bruxism (teeth grinding), and clenching. Along with these uses, it can also change the look of a puckered chin and a gummy smile. Some patients also choose this injectable to treat around-the-mouth issues, such as lip lines.

How Can Dental Botulinum Therapy Treat TMJ?

This injectable can relax the facial muscles and stop tension in the temporomandibular joint area. This can reduce soreness of the cheeks and jaw and may stop TMJ-related tension headaches or discomfort. 

How Can Dental Botulinum Therapy Treat Bruxism?

This injectable won't stop you from grinding your teeth, but it can alleviate some of the side effects or symptoms of this dental condition. The constant grinding motion can strain your jaw, causing pain or sensitivity. Botulinum therapy can relax the muscles in this area and reduce bruxism-related discomfort. 

How Can Dental Botulinum Therapy Treat A Gummy Smile?

The gummy smile is a common reason to use botulinum dental therapy. As the name implies, a gummy smile is a smile that shows too much of the gum line. This issue results from the upper lips resting high on top of the gum area. Instead of a barely-there peak at the upper gums, people with gummy smiles show a significant amount of this pinkish tissue. While this isn't a medical problem, it can cause cosmetic concerns. 

Injections of botulinum toxin type A can relax the upper lip. This allows it to cover some of the upper gum area. 

How Long Does Dental Botox Last?

Like other botulinum therapy uses, dental treatments aren't permanent. You will need to get regular injections every couple of months to maintain the dental effects. The amount of time in between injections varies by patient. Talk to your dentist about how often you should schedule regular maintenance appointments. 

For more information about dental Botox, reach out to a local clinic.
