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Warning Signs You Need An Oral Surgeon

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How do you know if you need an oral surgeon? Fortunately, there are some warning signs that indicate an oral surgery is necessary. This post will explore five signs that mean you need an oral surgeon.

1. Tooth Pain

Do you experience persistent tooth pain that you cannot explain? This could be a sign that you need a dental procedure. It's important that you don't ignore any tooth pain as it could be an indication of deeper issues. Depending on your dental situation, an oral surgeon may perform root canal therapy or even remove the tooth. The only way to determine the cause of your pain is by having specialized dental treatment.

2. Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If you're a teen or young adult, you will likely begin to experience discomfort caused by your wisdom teeth. If the teeth do not have enough room to grow or are growing in the wrong direction, you will experience pain, swelling, and bad breath. If this happens, you need a dental procedure to remove the tooth. Some people choose to extract wisdom teeth before any complications come up. This is what you call preventative care and can save you a lot of pain, money, and time.

3. Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can be a sign of numerous dental issues, like jaw displacement or even a TMJ disorder. The temporomandibular joint is where the jaw and skull come together, and any misalignment could lead to pain, popping noises, or a locked jaw. If you experience any of these symptoms, you need to consult with an oral surgeon. In some cases, they may recommend surgery to treat the issue.

4. Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are a sign of gingivitis or gum disease, which, when left untreated, can lead to serious dental issues. In some cases, an oral surgeon may recommend surgery. Typically, the procedure is a deep cleaning of the gums called scaling and root planing. This will remove any excess buildup of plaque and prevent further damage to your gums.

5. Constant Headaches

Constant headaches that are not responsive to pain relief therapy could be a sign of dental issues. If your jaw is misaligned or you have an injury to your jaw, you could experience headaches, facial pain, and earache. If you've tried other pain-relief options and nothing works, it could be time to seek professional attention from an oral surgeon.

Contact an oral surgeon for more information. 
