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Dental Bonding: Is It The Solution To Dealing With Gapped Teeth?

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Do you have gaps between several of your teeth? These gaps may frustrate you if you want to have a flawless smile with teeth that are perfectly aligned and free of any gaps. If your teeth are already straight and you do not want to get braces, but you do want to get rid of your gaps, you could always have cosmetic bonding performed in the dental office. The bonding procedure can fill in each of those open spaces, keeping you from dealing with the unwanted gaps anymore.

Why Is It Bad to Have Gapped Teeth?

Having large gaps between the teeth is not just a cosmetic concern. Although those with gaps between their teeth may not like the way their teeth look or how they look when they are smiling, these gaps can become a bit more problematic when different types of food and bacteria regularly gets stuck between them. The space between the gaps can even end up getting worse over the years, especially if you start to develop periodontal disease or if you have your wisdom teeth removed and end up with more space in your mouth for the teeth to shift. If you do not want the problem to get any worse and you would rather eliminate the gaps now, ask your dentist if cosmetic bonding would be an ideal option.

How Does Cosmetic Bonding Help With Gaps?

The bonding procedure involves the use of resin that may be placed on the teeth and between them to fill in each of those open spaces. The resin is put in place, smoothed out, and then hardened with the use of the UV curing light. The light speeds up the process of hardening the resin. The dentist will make sure that enough of the resin has been carefully applied in the areas where you were dealing with the gaps to keep those open areas completely covered. Because the resin is hardened, it becomes rather strong and it should not break off or chip on you. If you do have any issues with chipped or broken resin, the dentist could easily fix the problem for you by adding more of it and then curing it all over again, but you most likely will not have to deal with such an issue.

If you have a few gaps between your teeth and you would like to do something about them, dental bonding may be a proper solution. You should speak to your family dentist to discuss your concerns over the gaps and then find out if bonding is the right procedure to undergo to take care of those open spaces. Visit a site like for more help.
