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Have Missing Teeth? Why A Dental Bridge Is The Perfect Option For You

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If you have missing teeth, you may have become acclimated to the ways that it inhibits your life. You might have friends who invite you to multiple social gatherings but you decline because you don't want to feel the self-consciousness that can arise when people see that you have a less than perfect smile. If you're tired of missing out on events and want to do something about your missing teeth, you're likely exploring your options. While dental implants are certainly a solution to the issue, a dental bridge may be a better choice. Use this information to learn more about why you should consider getting a dental bridge right away.

Dental Bridges Are The Less Invasive Choice

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental bridges are definitely the less invasive option. If you're the kind of person who becomes squeamish when thinking about the prospect of having to undergo an invasive procedure, you won't have to worry about this when you choose a dental bridge.

Dental implants involve cutting the gums open to install a titanium plate which serves as the anchor point for the implants. While it is a more permanent procedure, it can be painful because of the nature of the surgery. You may have to take anesthesia and assume the risks associated with doing so.

Getting a dental bridge helps you to avoid the possible discomfort that can arise with other tooth replacement procedures. The replacement teeth are attached to a metal bridge which is then wrapped around the surrounding teeth. There's no cutting involved so you won't have to worry about dealing with any unnecessary pain.

Dental Bridges Save Time

Dental bridges are also a great choice because they save time. Instead of you having to go in for a series of procedures over a period of several months, you can typically have your bridges done within a few office visits. Once the dentist has examined your mouth and measured to make sure that the metal brace will be long enough to reach the anchoring teeth, you can expect to have your bridges in no time. This is great news, especially if there is an important meeting or gathering coming up where you want to look your best.

Getting a dental bridge is a perfect way to replace your missing teeth. Make an appointment with your dentist today so you can get request your dental bridges as soon as possible.
