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Always Tired? You May Have Sleep Apnea

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Do you wake up feeling like you barely slept at all? Though there are many possible reasons for constant tiredness, one distinct possibility is that you're suffering from sleep apnea. This is a condition in which you temporarily stop breathing in your sleep. Your brain does not get enough oxygen during this time, which causes you to briefly wake up and also makes your sleep much less restful.

Though men, overweight individuals, and older adults are at the highest risk of sleep apnea, it can affect anyone. Your doctor can run various sleep tests to determine whether or not you have this condition. If you are diagnosed, there are several treatment protocols that may be recommended.

Dental Appliance Treatment

This is often the first treatment your doctor will recommend trying, especially if you have mild to moderate sleep apnea. You'll be advised to visit a dentist who will fit you with a special mouth guard-like appliance. You'll wear this appliance whenever you go to sleep. It will keep your mouth in a position that encourages your airway to stay open so that you are less likely to stop breathing in your sleep.

Though sleeping with the dental appliance in may feel a bit strange at first, most patients get used to it in a week or two. The only required maintenance is typically cleaning the appliance each morning to keep bacterial growth down.

C-PAP Machines

If you have severe sleep apnea or a dental appliance is not effective, your doctor may recommend a C-PAP machine, or continuous positive airway pressure machine. This is a machine that blows a gentle stream of air through your airway, keeping it from closing while you're sleeping. Wearing a C-PAP machine does take some time to adapt to, since it consists of a mask that fits over your nose. However, in time, many users even come to find the noise the machine makes soothing.

Lifestyle Modification

If being overweight is contributing to your sleep apnea, then your doctor is likely to recommend some lifestyle modifications in addition to one of the treatments above. You may be advised to follow a lower calorie diet and increase your physical activity in order to encourage weight loss. Many patients find that once they get back down to a normal weight, they no longer need a C-PAP machine or dental appliance. Let that serve as your motivation to shed those extra pounds.

For more information, contact local professionals like Jerry C Hu DDS Family Dentistry LLC.
