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Teenagers: Effective Ways To Keep Your Teeth Looking Great

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If you are a teenager, it's important to have a great set of teeth. This lets you smile with confidence for important events in life, such as prom or graduation. Thanks to these steps, your teeth are going to look great.

Straighten Teeth With Ceramic Braces

Teeth are not always going to grow in straight. This may cause other teeth to become crooked, hindering your ability to smile with confidence. You can straighten your teeth with ceramic braces. These braces are similar to metal braces, but they have clear brackets on the front. As a result, the braces are going to blend in with your natural teeth, making them less noticeable compared to metal braces.

Compared to clear braces, ceramic braces are going to move your teeth into a straight position quicker. It should be noted that these braces are going to feel a little sharper than metal braces, but you will gradually get comfortable with the sensation over the months.

Eat The Right Foods

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to keep your teeth looking great is to eat certain foods. Try eating dark leafy greens like spinach. This vegetable requires you to chew a lot, which increases the production of saliva in your mouth. With more saliva in your mouth, your teeth are going to get cleaned better. This helps take off plaque, so it isn't able to harden and turn into tartar.

Another good food to eat for your teeth is carrots. This vegetable contains a high amount of phosphate and calcium. Both of these things help protect your tooth enamel and gums. Strawberries are also great, as they contain malic acid. This acid helps eat away at stains on your teeth, making them look whiter.

Take Advantage Of Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic dentists today can do so many incredible things to your teeth. For instance, if you have a missing tooth, the dentist can put a fixed dental bridge where the gap is. This gives you a complete smile again. Compared to dental implants, dental bridges are quicker to install. These bridges are also less expensive. 

Another great thing cosmetic dentists can do to your teeth is whiten them with peroxide gel. This gel has whitening properties that take away the yellow stains on your teeth. In terms of cavities, a cosmetic dentist can remove the decayed portion of your tooth and replace it with a durable filling.

For more information, contact a business such as Associates For Family Dentistry.
