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7 Tips For Keeping Your Braces Clean

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One of the most important things about having braces is keeping them clean. Upon having braces removed, one of the biggest concerns among individuals is the fact that they now have more cavities than they did when they started. This can lead to discomfort and extensive dental work after removal of orthodontia. Follow these tips to learn how to keep your teeth clean even when you have braces.

1. Pay close attention to each tooth, one at a time.

Spend a bit of time on each tooth, ensuring that each one gets attention. It is harder to focus on groups of teeth when you have braces interfering with your hard work.

2. Don't neglect the gumline.

The gumline accumulates a variety of bacteria that stick to the tooth and are often not paid much attention to. Make sure to pay close attention to this area, which can gather painful cavities.

3. Food that stays in the mouth longer has a higher chance of developing bacteria.

When you do not brush soon after a meal, you allow bacteria to develop on your teeth. The longer bacteria rests on your teeth, the more likely it is to develop into a cavity.

4. Carry dental supplies with you.

If you spend mealtime at school or work, it is smart to carry your own dental supplies in a bag. A toothbrush, some toothpaste, and floss are a great start. Brush in the bathroom after a meal to ensure your braces stay clean.

5. Make every follow-up appointment.

Each follow-up appointment is important to keeping up with your dental hygiene. Not only does this allow the orthodontist to determine how well your braces are working and to tighten them up, but it also allows him or her to see if you have any cavities or problem areas developing.

6. Use cone-shaped brushes.

Cone-shaped brushes look like Christmas trees and can be used to get underneath the wire. A regular toothbrush is often not enough to remove all food and bacteria.

7. Avoid sticky foods.

Avoid damage and sticky foods from getting caught in your braces by avoiding foods like caramel, crunchy peanut butter, hard candies, taffy, gummies, popcorn, and gum.

Finally, make sure to bring up any concerns with your dentist. If you feel pain or have questions about your braces or teeth, it is important to bring them up to your dentist or orthodontist right away. For more information, contact a business such as Night & Day Dental.
