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Porcelain Veneers: Who Wears Them Best?

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In recent years, the dental world has made great progress in creating natural looking porcelain veneers for clients' teeth. Research has developed stronger types of porcelain that reflect light in a more authentic way. Also, improved digital imaging allows dentists to better match the shape and color of patients' real teeth. As a result, more people end up looking natural with the addition of their veneers, unlike the bad old days of the over-sized, too-white Chiclets that plagued men and women in the entertainment business in particular. Their careers demand a beautiful smile, and modern dentistry has delivered.

Best Famous Male Veneers

Tom Cruise began his career with crooked and discolored teeth. Rumored to have had several different procedures done over the years, he currently has a dazzling smile, thanks to his excellent veneers. Other male actors with fabulous veneers include George Clooney, Nicholas Cage, and Ben Affleck. Pictures taken during their early careers are proof that their teeth have been professionally resurfaced. The result? They all look marvelous.

Best Famous Female Veneers

Catherine Zeta-Jones has always been stunningly beautiful, but her teeth were average at best. Now with a set of porcelain veneers, her dazzling style matches the rest of her. Demi Moore, no stranger to physical enhancements, has also had her smile reworked. Her teeth look as good as the rest of her altered appearance. Other lovely ladies who have had veneers put on their teeth include reality stars Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Garner, and Cheryl Cole.

The Cost of Beauty

Many of the beautiful people have had some sort of cosmetic dentistry work done, but these procedures can be costly. Unfortunately, porcelain veneers are still quite expensive, ranging from $800 to $3000 per tooth at some dentists, but other more affordable veneer types mean average folks can have beautiful smiles as well. Composite veneers costs around $250 per tooth and look great, but they do not last as long as porcelain veneers. In fact, they may need to be redone every five to seven years.

To many, having a beautiful smile is priceless, so they willingly pay for the privilege of having veneers. The positive results are indisputable, since the procedure has turned many celebrities' less than stellar grins into mega-watt smiles. Anyone with enough cash can get the same results by visiting a reputable cosmetic dentist like Advanced Family Dental Care LLC. Veneers are safe and applied in just a few visits.  They are the answer to many a toothy flaw.
